
👋🏼 I’m Julianne.

Welcome to common cents where we explore relevant topics in finance, markets, economics, and business in plain language so we can all understand what they are and why they matter.

I’ve worked in finance for ten years. I started in financial policy and financial literacy, then moved into investment banking and venture capital. I’ve learned quite a bit about finance.

And guess what? I’m still learning.

One thing I know for sure is that the world of business and finance has a specific, shared language. That shared language can be a helpful tool to share ideas efficiently. But sometimes, we rely on jargon without fully understanding what these terms mean and why they matter. This shared language can be a tool to unnecessarily exclude (and often profit from) people who don’t speak it. Without understanding what these topics mean and why they matter, we can't understand how to make these systems work better.

This newsletter is for anyone who encounters financial jargon at work, with friends, or in the news. If it feels like you should understand it, but don't feel comfortable just yet, common cents is for you!

In this monthly newsletter, we discuss developments in finance, business, and markets to explore broader financial topics. In plain language, I explain:

  1. What the the topic means

  2. Why the topic matters, and

  3. My opinion informed by data and experience

What this newsletter is:

Focused on finance with topics including from global financial markets, financial technology, decentralized finance, fundraising, and business.

Just in time learning. We’ll use relevant news stories to explore broader financial topics, rather than to try and learn everything all at once.

A way for us all to learn in public with curiosity, honesty, and kindness.

What this newsletter is not:

A database of financial acronyms.

Breaking news or fundraising announcements.

A fully fledged resource on personal financial management.


A space to “learn out loud” with unfiltered thoughts on a broad range of topics, both related to finance and otherwise.

Topics may include: yoga, wellness, physics, what I’m reading, cultural events, global markets, technology, and more.

Fair warning, I’ll likely edit these posts over time, and I often use this space to brainstorm about future topics for common cents.

Read Aloud

Prefer to listen? Check out the podcast section for select posts ready aloud by me.

Thank you!

Thank you to friends and colleagues who have provided guidance and feedback. And, a huge thank you to all of you reading this newsletter. Look forward to learning alongside you.

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she/her. “Ju-Lee-Anne." vc turned operator.